
Kaichou wa Maid-sama - Episode 26: "That's Cunning of You Ayuzawa, Usui You Idiot!"

Watch Kaichou wa Maid-sama episode 26

Usui and Misaki join a competition where they have to complete tasks together as a couple without letting go of each other's hand. They obviously win this contest because of Usui's teasing and Misaki's competitiveness (and because they are just really great in almost everything). This is the episode where they finally confess what they feel for each other.

Watch Kaichou wa Maid-sama episode 27 special -->

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Watch Kaichou wa Maid-sama episode 27 special -->


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  3. I loved this episode very much as I have been watching these series for a long time, and wanted these characters to be finally connected Great post, thanks for sharing!
